1. All the contents which are found on this website are the property of Ayush and mpbmiscellaneous.blogspot.com.
  2. If you find any content within this blog which may infringe your copyrights, I will immediately take it down. Contact us via the contact page to claim your rights or directly email me at ayushm42@gmail.com.
  3. You may share, copy, and/or print any information you find within this blog for any legal, non-commercial purposes. I only require you to credit this site properly and/or provide a backlink.
  4. We provide the information that serves only as references, any damage or losses as a result of using this blog is not my responsibility.
  5. We reserve the right to moderate the content of the comment section.
  6. Any comment which contains a direct link to another website for promotional purposes will be considered as spam and therefore will be removed on sight.
